
FENIX/ Panels cockpits

18 maart 2024

Another crucial phase has begun on the FENIX: hoisting in and fitting the panels in the cockpits. During the past few weeks, our subcontractor has been busy removing the crash deck on the cockpits and the work floor that was underneath. Last Wednesday, we then effectively started mounting the panels in the slowlane cockpit, quite a challenge to accessibility and safety. Thanks to the good efforts of our fitters and subcontractors, the first panels are already hanging in place!

ISO 9001 - de internationale norm voor kwaliteitsmanagementsystemen Veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu Checklist Aannemers ISO 14001 - de internationaal geaccepteerde standaard met eisen voor een milieumanagementsysteem EN 1090 - Europese normen die de fabricage en montage van staal- en aluminiumconstructies regelen ISO 9001 certificaat